Diabetes Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
8 min video
Walking on two limbs is what separates us humans from rest of the animals but this comes at a great cost. Our knees have to withstand forces anywhere between 3 times our body weight during climbing stairs to 7 times the body weight during squatting exercises.
Microbiology is a medical science where microbiologists are concerned with diagnosing infectious diseases and bringing out medical aid for that. The treatments and prevention are also part of microbiology.
An accident or sudden problem in health can interrupt your whole day plan without any warning. This case is often followed by tension if you cannot find medical help at that moment. These situations are always very stressful, and it is often tough to decide in such a case.
An emergency can take place anywhere and at any time. It is a situation that requires immediate action. So the main thing you need to focus on is First Aid and calling emergency care. Calling emergency care will help you respond and treat any emergency. Remember your action can save someone’s life.
Just like any other diagnosing process, there are some things that you need to take care of before going for an MRI scan. However, there are minimal and general requirements that you need to follow before the process. It is normal to get nervous if you are going for MRI for the first time but don’t worry, we will explain all the don’ts to you.
A blood transfusion is a process of transferring blood or its product from donor to the recipients. This process helps in saving many people’s life by supporting the person during excessive blood loss.
After you have gone through stem cell therapy, you can expect the process to show benefit for up to one year. The stem cell injected by your doctor will continue to form a new cell in the target area for that particular year.