Renowned buoyancy in THROMBOLYZING ACUTE STROKE in 13 mins
A patient who suffered an acute stroke received treatment in 13 minutes at VishwaRaj Hospital.
The incidence of acute stroke is increasing, attributable to an increase in morbidities over the last few years, including obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Over 4 million neurons can die in the brain in only one minute if the blood supply is cut off. If untreated, this may result in irreversible brain damage that impairs our ability to function on a daily basis or puts us in a vegetative condition for the rest of our lives. ‘Time is neuron’, as VishwaRaj Hospital has demonstrated recently. Recently, a 61-year-old gentleman was brought to the emergency department byambulance with complaints of giddiness, slurring of speech, and imbalance while walking.
The patient was suspected to have had an acute stroke by casualty medical officers, and the patient was immediately taken for an MRI of the brain. The presence of resident doctors plays a key role in prompt diagnosis and early intervention.
VishwaRaj Hospital is the institute of education for various DNB resident doctors. One of the resident doctors saw the patient in the emergency room; one took the patient for an MRI brain scan, while the senior resident doctors counselled the relatives for the wonder injection called Inj. Tenecteplase. Thus, the patient received immediate and appropriate treatment.
VishwaRaj Hospital has a mission to provide highquality, ethical, and compassionate care at an affordable cost. And such incidences sure herald promising results from our hospital and our staff in the field of health care.