- February 20, 2022
- 7:35 am
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Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins that are developed by the increase of the blood pressure in the veins. The main cause of having it is because of standing or walking upright can create pressure on the lower body which is the legs or the feet. Varicose veins can be mild or severe. In severe cases, it causes discomfort and pain in the person’s legs or feet.
Varicose veins can appear at any age or most probably appears in the mid-twenties or older ages. There are 3 kinds of Varicose veins –
- Saphenous Varicose Veins
These are large or saphenous veins that are found in the legs, which swell typically larger than the normal size and bulge out from the skin. These veins are usually colorless but their appearance is large and rope-like and can be easily noticed as they are bulged out from the skin.
- Reticular Varicose Veins
Reticular veins are spread like thick knots that cover a wider area of the skin. They appear in red, green, or purple complexion. These veins look dull and do not bulge out from the skin.
- Spider Veins
Spider Veins are spread in web shapes and are smaller and thinner than the other varicose veins. These veins appear in red or blue complexion and are common anywhere on the body.
The causes of varicose veins are due to weak and damaged valves. These tiny valves get damaged due to the muscle contractions in the lower legs that act as pumps, and the elastic vein walls help the blood to return to the heart. Because of this reason, the blood cannot flow back and pool in the veins which cause the veins to stretch and twist.
There are various factors due to which varicose veins may appear such as –
- Family History
- Age
- Standing or sitting in one place for a longer period
- Obesity
- Pregnancy (generally improves without medical treatment within 3-12 months after delivery).
The cases in which the varicose veins may not cause any pain but the symptoms can be such as –
- Veins appear twisted and bulging.
- The color of the veins can be dark purple or blue.
In the cases in which the varicose veins are painful, the symptoms can be such as –
- The skin blemishes or discolored around the varicose veins.
- Painful and heavy feeling in the legs.
- The pain gets worse after standing or sitting in one place for a longer period.
- There are causes of muscle cramps, swelling, burning, and soreness in the lower legs.
- The feeling of itchiness around one or more veins.
Surgery options: (laser treatment)
- Laser Treatment
In this procedure, no piercing or needles are used. During the procedure, the doctor closes off the smaller varicose veins or the spider veins by delivering strong bursts of light on the vein, which makes the vein slowly fade and disappear.
- Catheter-assisted Procedures using Radiofrequency or Laser Energy
This procedure is preferred for the treatment of larger varicose veins. In this procedure, the doctor will insert a thin tube called a “catheter” in the larger varicose vein and heats the tip of the catheter by either using radiofrequency or laser energy. As the catheter is pulled out, the heat will destroy the large vein by causing it to collapse and seal it.
- High Ligation & Vein Stripping
In this procedure, the doctor ties off a vein before it joins a deep vein and removes the vein through small carvings. But, removing the vein will not keep the blood from circulating in the leg because the veins which are deeper in the leg guard the larger volumes of blood.
- Sclerotherapy & Foam Sclerotherapy of Large Veins
The procedure of Sclerotherapy is conducted to eliminate varicose veins or spider veins. In this procedure, the doctor will inject a salt solution or foam directly into the small or medium-sized varicose veins which will cause irritation and scars to the blood vessels which will collapse them and will close those veins and will allow the blood to clot. The scarred varicose veins will fade in a few weeks.
The procedure of Foam Sclerotherapy of Large Veins is conducted to eliminate the saphenous varicose veins or the reticular varicose veins. In this procedure, the doctor will inject a large vein with a foam solution to close the vein and seal it.
- Endoscopic Vein Surgery
This procedure is performed only in those cases which involve leg ulcers or there is a failure of other surgical and non-surgical treatments. In this procedure, the doctor uses a thin video camera that is inserted in the patient’s leg to visualize and close varicose veins, and then the doctor removes the veins through small carvings.
- Ambulatory Phlebectomy
In this procedure, the doctor will numb only the parts of the patient’s leg that are being punctured, and then the doctor will remove small varicose veins through a series of tiny skin punctures. Also, in this procedure, scarring is very minimum.
Why surgery?
If the varicose veins are not treated on time, the following are the risks that a person may face –
- Bleeding
- Leg Ulcers
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Superficial Thrombophlebitis
If the patient undergoes modern laser treatments rather than other surgical varicose veins treatments, the patient may experience the following benefits –
- Less pain
- Improved Appearance
- More Movement
- Active Lifestyle
- Better Sleep
The person who is experiencing any of the symptoms of the varicose veins shall quickly opt for the varicose vein treatment. If you are looking for getting the best treatment for varicose veins then you can visit the best hospitals in Pune such as VishwaRaj Multispeciality Hospital where you can find the best of doctors who can provide you relief from the causes of varicose veins.