Is Laparoscopy Surgery Painful?
- Written by: Department Of General Laparoscopic Surgery
- Published: January 11, 2021
- 4 min Read

After you have gone through laparoscopy, there may be moderate pain and thumping in the incision areas. However, the pain gradually decreases within a few days. Moreover, your doctor will prescribe you medicine for treating the pain.
Many people suffer from shoulder pain after their laparoscopy surgery. This pain usually occurs due to the carbon dioxide used in the surgery to inflate your belly. Inflation is necessary to increase the area for doctors to carry out their work using surgical instruments. As a result, it disturbs the diaphragm, which irritates the nerve of the shoulder. In addition to this, there may be some bloating too. However, they all go away in a couple of days.
How long the recovery takes?
After the surgery, the doctor keeps you under observation for a couple of hours. The doctors observe vital signs like your heart rate, breathing cycle, etc. The nurse also looks for any opposite or adverse reaction to the anesthesia provided during the surgery. Moreover, they also check for any internal bleeding. In some cases, patients have to stay in the hospital overnight.
It is best to get your friend or family’s support to drive you back home from the hospital. It’s not safe to travel alone after receiving the dose of general anesthesia. It would help if you had support because it takes several hours until the effects of general anesthesia wear off.
You can expect to resume your work within a week. There are also follow-up appointments scheduled by the doctor, which you need to attend. This follow-up session usually continues for two weeks or so. There are some things you can follow for quick recovery:
- Rest more than you typically do; it helps in the healing process.
- Avoid tight clothes since the pain might get worse.
- In case of sore throat, use throat lozenges to reduce your pain.
- As soon as you gain your strength, go for a light walk to avoid blood clotting.
When should you seek medical help?
Someone must stay with you until you fully recover. This someone can be your family, friend, partner, or nurse. Someone needs to support you in case any of the following symptoms develop:
- You are experiencing swollen legs or pain in any of your legs.
- Inflammation or pain sensation while urinating.
- Chills
- Experiencing a high temperature of 38 degrees or above
- Continuous increase in abdominal pain.
- Feeling nauseous or vomiting.
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge.
- Pain, redness, bleeding, swelling, or discharge surrounding the wound.
If you see any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is not normal, and you should consult a doctor. If possible, ask your partner to take you to the hospital.
There are different ways in which a person reacts after their laparoscopy surgery. Some feel groggy, while some feel moderate pain. However, if you are experiencing a lot of pain, there might be something wrong. Get it checked by your doctor. Remember to take full rest and eat healthily.
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